Dairy Farm Loophole Changed Everything For Me..

..As I Went From 198 To 144

Me at 198

This was me.

Hi, my name is Hannah. I'm 54. Married for 28 years. Mom of 3, grandmother of 2.

And I just recently found a way to get my old self back.

I never expected that I would be able to lose over 50 pounds.

I sleep through the night waking up feeling ready to take on the day.

The dread of looking in the mirror is gone.

I started with the usual methods preached by the health industry and other health gurus.

You've probably heard of them, maybe even tried some:


Apple Cider Vinegar


Pineapple Diet


Weight Watchers

Yes, I tried them.. At best, I would manage to lose a few pounds only for them to come back.. But my scale numbers never staid down. And the lack of food just made me tired.

Not to mention the frustration. As I got that small hint of success, I was filled with joy and hope.

How I wouldn't have to hide my body anymore or be too embarrassed to even go to the beach.

Only to be struck down again and again. The desperation just hit harder with each failure I tried to push through..

It was too much. These methods were not for me.

I had an appointment with my Doctor to see if there is something wrong.

After pouring my heart out at the office, she told me about recent research from University of Auckland Nutrition Center.

"You need to have healthy levels of certain key enzymes for the cells in your body to properly use fat as an energy source."

The Doctor said that if I don't have enough of these enzymes it results in fat being stored instead.

She also explained how it wasn't my fault that I couldn't lose weight and told me to use this 'Dairy Farm Loophole' based on the research.

The Doctor Gave Me A Link To A Video

This Is Me Now (After Using The Loophole)

From that day on, I have been in charge of my own weight loss. I'm no longer stuck in the never ending cycle of diets.

After I started using the loophole, I've noticed that..

My energy levels are much better. 54 feels more like 30 now.

I don't crave snacks all day.

My skin feels softer.

All in all, I went from 198 to 144

What this video also revealed to me is that..

Weight loss isn't about the newest diet trends.

Weight loss starts with a working metabolism.

It's not about countless hours of exercise

I'm SO Grateful I Followed My Heart...

I could have simply ignored my Doctor when she told me to watch this video. But, I put my skepticism aside.

Now, I absolutely love who I have become. It feels like the "real me" again.

All because I took some time to learn about this 'Dairy Farm Loophole'. Who would have thought?

Of course, I'm starting to get questions about what I'm doing to get these results so quickly.

So, I have put a link to the same website where I watched the video here below.

That is... if it's STILL up.

So, go ahead and click over right now to learn it for yourself.